Minggu, 17 Mei 2009


baru lagiii. no comment ahh sekarang mah haha.

Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009

david archuleta day

ok, it's may 9!! haha. means that i've been archangels for a year haha. i clearly remember when me and my sister were watching aaaaaall of his videos on american idol. LOL

he auditioned at San Diego, CA, and then he was on the finale..
ah i try to remember all songs he sang..

- waiting on the world to change
acapella.... awww i hvnt noticed him haha

- crazy
best audition ever but TPWP never showed us the video

- heaven
ah simon said, "you're young, good-looking, likeable, and even great voice!"

- shop around
hoho his dancing ~

- imagine
i didn't notice that he sang imagine at first. probably bcz he sang the 3rd version

- another day in paradise
w piano haha. he sounds sick

- we can work it out
i thought that i was in jogja on this week.. i dun remember. he forgot some lyrics but the iTunes version is amazing!

- the long and winding road
ah beatles again and he was really flawless!!

- you're the voice
urr the iTunes is better

- smokey mountain memories
well, kinda religius song..

- angels
aaaaaaah, i LOVE it! the idea where archangels was made..

- when you believe
the most famous song i guess. even my friends heart this song. lots of radio played this one.

- think of me
well, not really special, but i like the iTunes version

- sweet caroline, america
not his best

- stand by me, love me tender
BEST WEEK SO FAR! perfect! and so romantic!! the camera zoom his face when he sang love me tender hehe

- and so it goes, with you, longer
yeah i hate this week. but i love with you, chris brown shud thanked him haha. he went to murray, ut and we called it as david archuleta day

- don't let the sun go down on me, in this moment, imagine
omigod, BEST FINALE EVER!! he was outstanding. like randy said, "david, you are exactly what the show is about!"

- hero *ft david cook*, apologize *ft one republic*
hero was amazing but apologize was THE BEST PERFORMANCE EVER!! even ryan tedder *one republic vocalist* and the 3 judges gave him a standing ovation hahaha.

and now here he is. the famous but still the humble david archuleta hehe..

indonesian archangels is more than a community, we are BIG ARCHU HAPPY FAMILY :)

so that's for now. i'll copy-paste my live chat w daniel radcliffe asap :D

xoxo, rahma

p.s i'm watching narnia now. ah love the brittish accent.. and of course skandar keynes haha

Rabu, 29 April 2009

new again

okaaaiii i know that i've made at least 3 blogs that AWLAYS got a trouble. hope this one won't get it haha.
sooo now i'm still in the internet cafe. trying to know what the heck twitter is cz i don't really understand that haha.

xoxo, rahma :)

Minggu, 26 April 2009


hm this shud b a long blog but i kinda lazy to write down all things that had happened to me recently.
k, 1st i wanna make another new blog *again* since i felt that this blog is always get a problem.
so i think i'll make new y! mail first *cz if i make a new gmail, then i'll hv to log out my email in my phone, and that is soooo めんどくせ* and then named my blog as or .
then after i make that, i'll NEVER change its layout tho. i hv a bad memory about changing my layout all the time.

actually i think i shud go study rather than blogging now, tomorrow is my 1st experience for national exam ever and the subject is bahasa indonesia. i hv a good mark on that one recently. i even beated 'orang-orang-itu' along w/ vita haha.
another thing that i wanna share is that my sister got one chair in UGM. even though she take F. Law, and obviously no science, she shud take it. so she's gonna live in jogja, faaaar awaaaayy from bandung :(.

i know this is coming tho. when my sister lives outside bandung and then i hv to do things alone *although i still hv my lil sister*. but she's bn a great sister i could ask for and she always gave me a wise advice *since i'm a short-thinker person sometimes*. then i realise that when i'm in 12th grade, i'll do the same thing as she does. live outside my hometown alone. and left my friends as well.

back to me, i know that i hv to be serious this time. if i wanna get a really good mark when i'm in high school, i hv to re-arrange my self. no matter how hard that will be. even though i'm not gonna be a ... urm what's we call that -- study-freak. leaving my life for study? ONLY study? hell no. i hv a life. an ordinary life but what's on it is just too precious to left for.

now i'm getting so close with archangels. i dunno why, it feels like we can talk everytime and share almost everything. although we always ended up talking david archuleta *we're archangels after all*. so yeah now i completely realise what a community for. it can motivated us, no kidding, cuz lots of them are having such a wonderful experience in life.

nah after i got a little bit mature *no kidding, i know that at least i hv 1% of being a deep-thinker person*, i hv to get back to my room and then study. this is probably my last time blogging when i hv my national exam just around the corner. i hope i can write everything i get after the exam is over. so now, ttyl !!

bigarchuhappyfamily member, rahma.

p.s david is always motivated me and brightening my mood *not exactly him but something about him always does, like his songs*. i got it from my fb archangels friends, mba dea, and it sure wrecking my lazy mood at studying :
if anyone can pass through this UN, you can ..... ahhh thank you so much for the quote :D
remember, there can be miracles, when you believe .....

Sabtu, 18 April 2009

new trailer

yippiiiieeee, ada trailer baru Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince !!!!
hahahaha, rilisnya dipercepat, dr jadwal awal july 18, jadi july 15 haha.

nah pas liburan kemaren, anak2 iaa yg seusia udah rencana buat nobar potter haha. secara kebanyakan fans david ya fans potter juga hahahahaha :D.
lagian they hv something similar : david JAMES archuleta and harry JAMES potter hahaha.
btw, archu kan suka potter.

terus foto2 promosi yang baru KEREN ABIS. buat yg harry biasa aja, tapi yang hermy ama ron keren !!

official trailer HBP juga way soooo cool !!
keren bgt lah, makin ga sabar buat nonton !!

adios, rahma

p.s i'm in nf now haha.

Senin, 13 April 2009

too many happiness

k, i'm suppose to do my dang physisc task now. but heck yea with that.

hm okay, sama seperti yg gue post kemaren, adanya shocking news ttg david pas m&g di sg yg dtayangin ama trans 7 emang berhasil ngebuat odd sufferer gue meningkat drastis. bahkan mungkin ga bakal turun dlm beberapa hari terakhir ini.

segalanya bencana menyenangkan ini emang dimulai di hari minggu yg menyebalkan kemaren. berita david di trans 7 bikin iaa gempar *lebay* dan odd pun menyebar.
gue yang baik hati ini *fitnah* udah ngeupload video dj di i-gossip, siapa tau ada yang ga nonton. dan besok, di acara yang sama, bakal dtayangin full interview tim trans 7 ama archu.
gue kudu wajip mesti ngerekam tu acara, buat kebutuhan pribadi dan juga the rest of archangels haha.

gue emang pulang lbh cepet sekarang, tp dgn jarak rumah yg lumayan jauh dr sekolah ditambah angkot sialan yg suka ngetem, gue mungkin bakal ngemis2 buat nebeng ngerekam video tsb.

selain ttg archu di trans 7, berita ttg interview dai ke dj pas di malay juga udah mulai diceritain.
gue jelas ngerasa proud bgt as an indonesian arch angels. walopun kadar jeles gue emang 99% haha

pandangan positif david ttg indonesia dan fansnya juga bkn gue tambah seneng.
kalo david suka ama indonesia, tgl tunggu waktu sampe david ke indonesia.

yaaaaa gue tau kalo gue udah janji bakal belajar bener2 mulai minggu ini, karena udah h-14 menuju UN.

tapi these news are way too good to be missed :D

jadi gue harap gue kudu bsa ngatur emosi yang gampang bgt jadi overexcited. esp about him.

harapan terpendam gue emang one day, david bisa ke sini.
ga perlu konser, nyanyi di mall kaya di sg ama malay juga udah cukup bagi gue. lagipula ekonomi ga mendukung kalo bkn konser beneran haha.

ya allah, i hope that i can record david's interview perfectly tomorrow...

adios, rahma

Minggu, 12 April 2009

david on i-Gossip

okaiii, jadi ceritanya gue lagi asik-asiknya nonton the contract di laptop. sementara di luar lagi gandeng karena tetangga secara biadab ngadain kawinan, di mana pada muter lagu2 dangdut yang ga banget.
eh tiba-tiba dari tivi gue denger lagu crush. karena si asa lagi nonton gossip, ya gue sangka itu berita biasa. akhirnya gue melirik dan OMIGOSH!!!!!!!!
david is on the news !!!!!!!!
jadi si i-Gossip ini dateng ke singapore dan secara exclusive ngeinterview david sebelum david tampil buat nyanyi di iluma, sg.
secara biadab gue ambil hape dan langsung ngerekam berita tersebut. dan setelah tanya-tanya ke archangels lain, kebanyakan ga pada nonton :(
gue pun sebagai arch angel yang baik hati udah ngeupload video ke youtube jadi mereka tetep bisa nonton hehe.
anyway, david said thanks to us and he hoped that he could go here someday *yeah david, dateng ke sini!!!!*. i'm so proud and so speechless when he said that. haha
so gue rasa odd sufferer gue naik lagi... dan kayanya ga bakal turun dalam waktu dekat :P

so, here are the videos

david's msg to us

and the full news

hoho, i hope y'll like it :)

adios, rahma

p.s it has been confirmed that david will be touring with demi lovato this summer. wew, such a good news. tapi emang ga cape apah? kan abis dari asia mau tur UK ama McFly??